Khan Academy


Unique Traits

  • Khan Academy provides top-quality educational videos that are organized by discipline and skill levels.
  • They provide videos from various disciplines including Math, Science, Economics, Finance, and Humanities.
  • They even have video tutorials for test prep, such as SAT and GMAT. Khan Academy recently unveiled new online math resources tied to the Common Core State Standards.

License Setting

Most Khan Academy videos are licensed under CC BY NC SA 3.0 which lets you remix, tweak, and build upon the work non-commercially, as long as you credit the authors and license your new creations under the identical terms.

How to watch a video in TED

  1. It is pretty straightforward. Go to
  2. You can use Search Khan Academy with a keyword, or click Browse Our Library where you can view the video. khan1
  3. Once you find the video, click Info link under the video. The license information will appear.  khan2

Sample Attribution

Ratios as fractions @Khan Academy is licensed under CC BY NC.
*Author information is not available for many Khan Academy videos.

Last updated: 06 09 2015